Several home owners in Taberna have installed wells on their property to augment or supplement city provided water service. Any plans for new construction that include a private well must show the location of the well on the site plan. In order to avoid any future problems with wells that may encroach on utility or drainage easements or that may encroach on views from neighboring lots, the Association hereafter requires that any plans for additional private wells are submitted to the ACC for review. Application will be made using the ACC change request form, and shall include a site plan showing the location of the well.
The ACC will review the request to insure that the location does not encroach on any established easements and does not interfere with reasonable enjoyment of advantageous views. The ACC may suggest appropriate screening and plantings to reduce any adverse impacts, keeping in mind the need to have access to the well head for maintenance and servicing.
Approved 11/02/2011
Effective: 01/01/2012