There are within Taberna several Sub-Communities which maintain their own section of the community. Property owners within these are liable for Sub-Community Supplemental Dues and other special assessments as determined through the Budget process in addition to the Master annual dues. The Sub-Communities are semi-autonomous, but subject to oversight and review by the Master HOA Board. Each has a committee made up of volunteers from that community to oversee the landscaping and other items relegated to them. Separate financial records, bank and savings accounts, and budgets are kept for each Sub-Community. Although financial reports are drawn separately from the Master HOA reports, their information is incorporated into the Master HOA Federal and State tax returns.

Abbington Woods:
Comprised of 62 homes located along Neuchatel Rd, Uster Ct, and Valais Ct

Boleyn Creek Villas:
Comprised of 24 home sites identified as BC01-BC24 located along Taberna Circle and Boleyn Loop.

One Taberna Way:
Comprised of 16 homes identified as OTW01-OTW16 located at St. Gallen Court.

Taberna Landing:
Comprised of six homes identified as TL01-TL06 located at Brugg Court.
Taberna Townes
Comprised of four homes and 15 lots identified as TT01-TT19 located at Colonel Burgwyn Drive