Walkways, bulkheads and docks may be constructed to provide Taberna Homeowners access to and viewing of the waters of Brice’s Creek and its tributaries. Construction will be allowed only following issuance of all required regulatory permits. Permitted plans shall be submitted to the committee for approval as to materials, size, and location so as to minimize visual impact to adjacnet Living Units. Per the setback guidelines no elevated structure shall be constructed beyond the rear minimum building envelope setback line, that being 20% of the mean lot depth.
Regulatory Restrictions:
Walkway structures constructed over 404 Jurisdictional Wetlands may not exceed six feet in width.
Maximum dock surface area may not exceed 192 square feet.
Structure may not exceed over the water greater than 25% of the stream width.
These guidelines are consistent with the goals of CAMA and the USFS Scenic Waters Program.
Approved 09/29/03